The denkmal Gold Medals – Awarded for Excellence in Monument Preservation in Europe

Excellence in European monument preservation deserves recognition! It is therefore a tradition at denkmal to award denkmal Gold Medals. They are a recognised mark of quality within the industry for outstanding achievements in the field of European restoration and preservation. The award is presented by an independent jury of international experts from the heritage sector. The denkmal Gold Medals will be publicly awarded in a festive ceremony on the last day of the trade fair. The denkmal gold medal is a coveted award. Only ten exhibitors at denkmal receive the medal for the products and services they have presented at the trade fair.
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Please note the copyright information "Uwe Frauendorf / Leipziger Messe GmbH" on all photos.
Winners of the denkmal Gold Medal
Gold Medals Awarded for Excellence in Monument Preservation in Europe
Beeck´sche Farbwerke GmbH
for the product range based on classic coating technologies and their presentation
Bundesverband Deutscher Steinmetze BIV des Deutschen Steinmetz- und Steinbildhauerhandwerks
for the outstanding and lively presentation of craftsmanship and restoration work in a craft that is important for the preservation of our cultural heritage
Denkmalnetz Sachsen
for the networking of civic activities around the preservation of monuments and its role as a catalyst for state institutions
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Mühlenkunde und Mühlenerhaltung (DGM) e.V.
for the civic engagement, the vivid presentation and modern mediation methods
Fahnen Fassmann Plauen Stick & Druck Manufaktur e.K.
for the high-quality practice and continuous passing on of the centuries-old experience of the art of parament making
for its international commitment in conjunction with an innovative range of traditional, sustainable, artisanal and restoration services
1. PEM - Patrimony Experts Maroc composé de : VD - Villa Design Company, ETS Consult, G3C, LPEE - Laboratoire Public d'essais et d'études et ENAM - École Nationale d'Architecture Marrakech
2. Manfred Fahnert
for the great presentation of their cultural heritage and the vivid representation of Moroccan adobe construction
Glasbiegerei Pfaltz Die Glasmanufaktur e.K.
for the individual, hand-made production of curved glass panes of the highest fitting accuracy and quality
Kreishandwerkerschaft Region Meißen
for the inclusion of impulses from the preservation of historical monuments for the development of pioneering innovations for general craft practice in the Innovation Academy of Crafts, Riesa
Lehmbaustoffe Schleusner & Söhne GmbH
for the appealing presentation of clay as a sustainable building material and for their pioneering production of clay building products
Gold Medals Awarded for Excellence in Monument Preservation in Europe
Dachverband der Restauratoren im Handwerk e.V. (DRH) (Confederation of restorers in skilled craft)
for the presentation of the diversity of the trades and for organizing their profession in a way that ensures outstanding quality
Joint stand of the Evangelische Kirche in Mitteldeutschland with the Ev.-Luth. Landeskirche Sachsen in cooperation with the Bund Deutscher Orgelbauer BDO
for the thematic, impressive presentation of the organ as a cultural heritage of world
HOWE HOME Manufaktur, Posamenten & Textilkunst, Inh. Simone Howe, Taucha (Saxony)
for extraordinary entrepreneurial commitment to the preservation and communication of a rare craft tradition
Jugendbauhütten of the Deutsche Stiftung Denkmalschutz e.V.
for the inspiring and sustainable training of young people in traditional craft techniques
Regione Lazio - Joint stand with trade exhibitors from the Lazio region (Italy)
for their international commitment and an innovative range of sustainable, restorative, artisanal and scientific services
Sächsische Schloss- & Beschlagschmiede Sicherheitstechnik & Restaurierung Roberto Weigel, Radebeul (Saxony)
for the care of an everlasting task with historical clasp elements and fittings in connection with current technology
Style Dach - Aus Liebe zum Handwerk Mirko Fischer, Colditz (Saxony)
for their lively and participatory presentation of the slate roofing trade at the fair
University of Stuttgart and research partners (Baden-Württemberg)
for an exceptional innovation that links energy research and the preservation of historical monuments
Verband der Restauratoren (VDR) e.V. (the Association of restorers)
for an innovative joint project in the sense of a quick and easy-to-implement emergency aid in the protection of cultural assets
VIA GmbH (Rheinland-Pfalz)
for artistic custom-made products in ceramics and terrazzo as well as for the preservation of traditional terrazzo craftsmanship at the highest level
Gold Medals Awarded for Excellence in Monument Preservation in Europe
Fachwerkerleben, Unterstammheim (Switzerland)
for their active involvement in imparting traditional building techniques
National Institute of Heritage Romania, Bucharest (Romania)
for exemplary teaching and preservation of traditional timber construction technologies
Wissenschaftlich-Technische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Bauwerkserhaltung und Denkmalpflege e.V. (WTA), Pfaffenhofen (Bavaria)
for international commitment to research and implementation
Bauhütte Quedlinburg GmbH, Ballenstedt (Saxony-Anhalt)
for exceptional and reliable craftsmanship in many different trades
Derix Glasstudios GmbH & Co. KG, Taunusstein (Hesse)
for excellent work and outstanding know-how in glass art
Thomas Knapp Historische Baustoffe GmbH, Deensen (Lower Saxony)
for a wide range of services and expertise in reusing mature oak wood
Zahna-Fliesen GmbH, Zahna-Elster (Saxony-Anhalt)
for durable and impressive stoneware tile design
Donath Dachdeckerei & Zimmerei GmbH, Wonsees (Bavaria)
for outstanding historic roof and roof landscape preservation solutions
Project "PEGASUS - Schulen adoptieren Denkmale" (Schools adopting monuments Sächsisches Staatsministerium für Kultus, Dresden (Saxony)
for inspiring children and young people to discover and explore their local monuments and surroundings.
Deffner & Johann GmbH, Röthlein (Bavaria)
for promoting the broad exchange of experts and excellent presentation of restoration needs
Gold Medals Awarded for Excellence in Monument Preservation in Europe
Joint stand “Castle landscapes in the German-Polish border region”
- organised by the National Heritage Board of Poland (NID Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa)
for the convincing presentation of the German-Polish cultural-building heritage
Union of Restorers, Saint Petersburg (Russia)
for the successful presentation of the firms who are members of the union
Dörr Histoglas Glaserei, Osterburken (Baden-Württemberg)
for excellent innovative results in the production of historic window glass
Antik Ofen Galerie Markus Stritzinger, Burrweiler (Rheinland-Pfalz)
for the unusual idea and excellent practical implementation for the preservation and use of historic stoves
HTWK Hochschule für Technik, Wirtschaft und Kultur Leipzig (Saxony)
for its research project on a contemporary improvement and up-date of the Zollinger roof form
Bundesverband Deutscher Steinmetze
Bundesinnungsverband des Deutschen Steinmetz- und Steinbildhauerhandwerks, Frankfurt am Main (Hessen)
for the preservation of the traditional craft of stonemasonry
Linsinger ZT GmbH, St. Johann im Pongau (Austria)
for the development and use of innovative methods for the documentation of the historic stock of buildings
Holzmanufaktur Rottweil GmbH, Rottweil (Baden-Württemberg)
for excellent solutions for historic windows
Wikimedia Deutschland e.V., Berlin
for the mobilisation of citizens' activity
Hiss Reet Schilfrohrhandel GmbH, Bad Oldesloe (Schleswig-Holstein)
for innovative solutions using the historic roofing material reed.
2016 – Special Award
denkmal Special Award 2016
WDNCh was awarded the denkmal Special Award in 2016
for the manner in which a historic exhibition site has been preserved.
Every two years Moscow's city government surprises visitors to Leipzig with an elaborately designed trade fair stand and a special theme.
As the WDNCh plays an important role for Moscow and the whole of Russia due to its eventful history, the structure of the Moscow joint stand at denkmal 2016 was based on the historical exhibition. The WDNCh replica featured the three main buildings Green Theatre, Main Pavilion and a kiosk – all in plenty of detail and faithful to the original in Moscow. In a specialist forum right at their exhibition stand, the city government also focussed on this topic among others with the workshop "Modern Life in Historic Ensembles. WDNCh: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow".
Gold Medals Awarded for Excellence in Monument Preservation in Europe
Falkenløwe A/S, Sønderborg (Denmark)
for the production and supply of a good variety of brick products
Joint stand of the partner country Norway- organised by the Riksantikvaren Directorate for Cultural Heritage
for the cross-frontier pioneer work in the preservation of the intangible cultural heritage of crafts
Department of Cultural Heritage of Moscow (Russia)
for the exemplary and convincing presentation of the Avantgarde Heritage
Josef Müller Bedachungen GmbH & Co. KG, Nieheim (North Rhine-Westphalia)
for the active continuation of traditional roofing techniques, especially using Solling sandstone
Landesinnungsverband des Steinmetz- und Bildhauerhandwerks Sachsen, Demitz-Thumitz (Saxony)
for securing and qualifying succeeding generations for the mason’s craft
GOLEM GmbH Kunst- und Baukeramik, Jacobsdorf (Brandenburg)
for the variety in the supply of manually produced building ceramics materials
Tummescheit Beschläge GmbH, Köthel (Schleswig-Holstein)
for the preparation and authentic reproduction of historic iron-work
Schlossdielen Bruno Schönlein GmbH & Co. KG, Niebüll (Schleswig-Holstein)
for the conservation and further production of historic wooden floors
Josef Müller Posamenten GmbH, München (Bavaria)
for the production and conservation of textile elements in room furnishings
Joint stand of the partner region Berlin-Brandenburg- organised by the Chamber of Skilled Crafts and Trades Frankfurt (Oder) -
for the presentation of the successful cooperation of academia and crafts for conservation practice
Gold Medals Awarded for Excellence in Monument Preservation in Europe
Joint stand of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation (Russia)
for the convincing presentation of the care and development of traditional craft technology in wooden building
Government of Moscow stand (Russia)
for the authentic reconstruction of the Triumphal Arch in Moscow
INTARSIA, St. Petersburg (Russia)
for holistic solutions for complex projects in conservation
for the wide palette of historic and innovative materials in conservation
Sonderschau Stuckateurhandwerk organized by Bildungs- und Technologiezentrum der Handwerkskammer zu Leipzig
for a presentation of the plasterer’s craft in conservation which can be effective in attracting future generations
Raumausstattung Schwarzmeier, Arnsdorf
for great effects in training, internationally orientated, and the successful presentation of their craft (interior furnishing) in conservation
for the production and marketing of Marseilles soap
Bauhütte-OST, Leipzig
for exemplary effects in securing old building substance
Joint stand Tischlerei Kremer, Villmar, Fachwerk and Lehm Hermann Birkenfeld, Brechen, Architekturbüro Stephan Dreier, Brechen-Niederbrechen and Tischlerei Conradi, Hünstetten
for the exemplary restoration together of timber-framed buildings
Joint stand Documentation organized by fokus GmbH Leipzig
for the complex presentation of synergetic effects of cooperation of different producers and disciplines in conservation
Gold Medals Awarded for Excellence in Monument Preservation in Europe
Institute of Ceramics and Building Materials, Krakow (Polen)
for the historical building material Roman cement – providing a largely supplanted but in construction chemical terms, a highly compatible mortar component
EuRoB Europäische Route der Backsteingotik e.V., Berlin
for awareness of the historical cultural areas which are being opened up for tourism for their heritage conservation aspects
Kraski Goroda - City Colours LLC, St. Petersburg (Russland)
for exemplary restoration achievements in the field of heritage conservation-appropriate building renovation
Collective Stand of the Russian Federation
for the impressive documentation of restoration and heritage conservation in Russia
CAPAROL Farben Lacke Bautenschutz GmbH, Ober-Ramstadt
for the production of heritage site-appropriate paint materials and historical materials for the renovation of façade surfaces and interiors
Posamenten Manufaktur Forst GmbH
for the preservation and continuation of the tradition of a skilled trade that has been in danger of dying out
PaX Classic GmbH, Bad Lausick
for linking heritage site-appropriate skilled craftwork with innovative solutions to meet modern requirements in window construction
Sebastian Rost GmbH, Meister und Restaurator im Stuckateurhandwerk, Berlin
for exemplary skilled artisanship in restorative achievements in the field of heritage conservation in stucco work and creative development
Bundesvereinigung Restaurator im Handwerk e.V., Herrstein
for its unique commitment to the creation of opinion influentials through its publication of the restoration trade magazine “Restaurator im Handwerk“
Förderverein für Handwerk und Denkmalpflege e.V. - Rittergut Trebsen, Sächsisches Bauteilarchiv
for the careful recovery, processing and preservation of historic building materials and building parts
Gold Medals Awarded for Excellence in Monument Preservation in Europe
Patinás Lámpa Kft., Budapest (Hungary)
for the making of lamps and light fixtures in classical, Hungarian secessionist and Art Deco style true to the originals
St. Petersburg joint stand (Russia)
for the high-quality selection of restoration options on display
France joint stand, represented by UBIFRANCE
for the diversity of achievements in excellent craftsmanship and restoration skills as well as a balanced display of products and materials
Hesse joint stand
for the exemplary presentation and wide-ranging display of fields of work undertaken for the preservation of historical monuments
Glashütte Lamberts Waldsassen GmbH, Waldsassen
for the outstanding quality of its glass production work using traditional glass-making methods
Metalldrückerei Müller, Wurzen
for continuing with the use of a technique otherwise dying out
Remmers Baustofftechnik GmbH, Löningen
for outstanding commitment and important innovations
Bauhaus-University Weimar, Architekture Faculty (Heritage Conservation and Architectural History), Weimar
for integrated instruction in heritage research and in an architectural design that is appropriate for historical buildings
HausHalten e.V., Leipzig
for the exemplary and innovative "Wächterhäuser" project set up to save late 18th century buildings in Leipzig
Projekt "PEGASUS - Schulen adoptieren Denkmale"
for its programme to encourage school students in the creative examination of regional contemporary legacies of past eras
Gold Medals Awarded for Excellence in Monument Preservation in Europe
CCEG Compagnonnages Européens – Europäische Gesellenzünfte, Paris (France)
for their efforts in taking handcrafts into the future across Europe Exhibition hall 2, C16
Kantarel Mosaikstudio, Sankt Petersburg (Russia)
for the restoration of miniature mosaics and the development of specialist equipment for manufacturing materials Exhibition hall 2, Stand G30
Atelier de Restauration Damamme, LE VIEIL BAUGÉ (France)
for the authentic restoration of historic wall coverings Exhibition hall 2, Stand E02/F01
SPIEGEL ART Steffen Noack, Weisswasser
for the revival of old techniques in making mirrors and their use in preservation Exhibition hall 2, Stand J04
Stiftung zur Bewahrung kirchlicher Baudenkmäler in Deutschland KiBa, Hannover
for their sponsorship and financial support in an increasingly threatened field of preservation Exhibition hall 2, Stand D02
Gürtlerei Paul Lorenz und Tischlerei Sebastian Schulz, Chemnitz
for the reproduction of historic interiors and lighting Exhibition hall 2, Stand C04
Gemeinde Bendeleben in cooperation with Arbeitskreis Orangerien in Deutschland e.V., Potsdam
for their initiatives and years of dedication in restoring Bendeleben Orangerie and putting it back to use Exhibition hall 2, Stand IF 19
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Historische Fachwerkstädte e.V., Fulda
for the exemplary "Framework sets a precedent" initiative Exhibition hall 2, Stand A20
Technische Universität Dresden
for its network of innovations in preservation Exhibition hall 2, E31
Stadt Leipzig
for its innovative revitalisation programme for disused buildings ( Exhibition hall 2, Stand B40
Gold Medals Awarded for Excellence in Monument Preservation in Europe
ArcTron 3D GmbH (Engineering office for 3D surveys and software development), Altenthann
for the development of innovative preservation technologies
Dachverband Lehm e. V. (Confederation of clay builders), Weimar
– as the representative of its members –
for the development and use of building materials suitable for listed buildings
Deffner & Johann GmbH, Röthlein (Bavaria)
for an excellent portfolio of restoration materials, literature on restoration and specialist equipment
Harlinger Aardewerk & Tegelfabriek, Harlingen (Netherlands)
for exceptional preservation of tiles made using historical artisan glazing techniques
Holzmanufaktur Rottweil GmbH, Rottweil
for exemplary work in the repair and completion of historic wooden components
Knobelsdorff School, Berlin
for outstanding integration of preservation techniques and methods into training programmes
RAGUSA Sicily (Italy)
for excellent craftsmanship in renovation work using historic building materials
Staatsamt für Kulturerbe (National Centre for Cultural Heritage Management), Budapest (Hungary)
for an exemplary concept of holistic preservation and the transmission of cultural heritage
City of Halberstadt
for the regeneration of the city centre with strong input from the public
Restaurator Lutz J. Walter, Wernigerode
for craftmanship in the exact reproduction of historic wallpaper
Gold Medals Awarded for Excellence in Monument Preservation in Europe
Raumausstattung Graf, Lorsch
for outstanding achievements in craftsmanship, restoration and documentation
Stichting Federatie Monumentenwacht Nederlande (Historic building watchdog of the Netherlands), Zetten
for outstanding pre- and aftercare in monument preservation throughout Europe
Tuilerie de la Breteche, Ligny le Ribault (France)
for the high-quality handcrafted production of antique historic tiles, flagstones and bricks for use in listed buildings
ARGE (Association of training centres for preservation trades)
Akademie des Handwerks Schloss Raesfeld (Raesfeld Castle Academy of Skilled Crafts), Görlitzer Fortbildungszentrum für Handwerk und Denkmalpflege (Görlitz Training Centre for Skilled Crafts and Preservation of Monuments), ÜAZ Bauwirtschaft (Building trade training centre) Wriezen, Förderverein für Handwerk und Denkmalpflege (Support association for crafts and preservation) Trebsen, Centre for Restoration and Conservation of Monuments HWK Koblenz/Herrstein, Probstei Johannesberg gGmbH Fulda)
for successful cooperation in education in the preservation sector
IBACH Steinkonservierung GmbH & Co. KG, Bischberg
for the innovative and responsible development of products for stone conservation
for comprehensive service and responsible handling of original materials
Akademie des Architekturerbes Moskau (Moscow academy of architectural heritage)
for overall commitment to preserving Russian cultural heritage
Jugendbauhütten der Deutschen Stiftung Denkmalschutz e.V.
for outstanding motivation of young people in the field of monument preservation
Seidenweberei Eschke GmbH, Mühltroff
for highest quality reproduction of damask and silk fabrics based on originals
Kremer Pigmente, Aichstetten
for the comprehensive range of pigments, binders and equipment suitable for monument preservation
Gold Medals Awarded for Excellence in Monument Preservation in Europe
National Museum in Warsaw/Hamburg Preservation Foundation
for exceptional restoration work in the context of German-Polish cooperation
Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, Poland
for optimal restoration work in combination with specialised training
Bennert Restaurierungen GmbH, Hopfgarten
for their innovative approach to inventory and documentation
ORBIS Deutschland GmbH, Berlin
for their idea for complex structural protection of unused monuments
BAYOSAN Wachter GmbH & Co. KG, Hindelang
for the development of building materials suitable for listed buildings
Bundesfachgruppe der Parkett-Restauratoren im ZV Parkett- und Fußbodentechnik, Bonn
for special achievements in the art of restoring parquet flooring
Atelier Ilona Berkei Restaurierung und Glasmalerei, Zeuthen near Berlin
for excellent work in the field of conserving and documenting historic glass painting
Pitz & Hoh Werkstatt für Architektur und Denkmalpflege GmbH, Berlin
for outstanding achievements in the fields of inventory, planning and management of preservation projects
City of Quedlinburg
for exceptional preparation and implementation of urban regeneration in combination with heritage preservation
Glindower Ziegelei GmbH, Glindow
for a wide and flexible range of brick materials for monument preservation
Gold Medals Awarded for Excellence in Monument Preservation in Europe
Zimmerei & Holzbau Peukert GmbH, Albrechtshain
for exemplary carpentry work in the preservation of historical monuments
Denkmalpflegebetrieb Steffen Schmalhofer, Dresden
for the reconstruction of historic decorative paintings
Unternehmerverband Historische Baustoffe e.V. (Association of historic building materials companies), St. Georgen
for commitment to the reuse of historic building materials
Keramische Werkstatt für Bau- und Denkmalpflege, Bad Liebenwerda
for the individual production of ceramic ornamental elements and terracottas according to historical models
Christoph Henrichsen
for the illustrative communication of Japanese wooden architecture
Zeitschrift Monumente
for creative publicity in the field of monument preservation
BIG-Städtebau Mecklenburg-Vorpommern GmbH, Stralsund
for exemplary achievements in the field of urban development
Haber & Brandner GmbH, Berlin
for outstanding work in metal restoration
Johannes Mosler, Oberzeuzheim
for the repair of historic windows
Stiftung Templum Pacis, PL-Swidnica
(Protestant Community of Schweidnitz, German Centre for Crafts and Preservation of Monuments, Fulda, Nicolaus Copernicus University, PL-Torun)
for exemplary international cooperation
Gold Medals Awarded for Excellence in Monument Preservation in Europe
Ausstellung "Altstadt und Werbung", Stralsund
for an excellent concept on advertising in the historical city centre
Denkmalhof Gernewitz
for innovations in monument preservation
Brüder Wilfinger, Wien
for the restoration of the Vienna Hofburg so as to preserve its substance
Märkische Keramik - Keramikmanufaktur Reicho GmbH, Görzke
for the traditional manufacturing of historical building materials
Claytec Lehmbau, Viersen
for innovations in reviving the art of clay building techniques
Klaus-Peter Dyroff, Restaurator, Schmiedeberg
for the restoration of mosaics for use in monument preservation
Glindower Ziegelei GmbH, Glindow
for the traditional manufacturing of preservation materials
Schreinerei Zoepf, Lohr am Main
for the restoration of windows and parquet for use in monument preservation
Naumburg City Council
for imaginative and people-oriented communication in the field of monument protection
PKZ Warsaw, Poland
for special achievements especially in the areas of documentation and archaeology