denkmal - leading European trade fair

denkmal is the leading European trade fair for preservation, restoration and old building renovation. Every two years, experts from Germany and around the world get together in Leipzig. We look forward to welcoming you in Leipzig from 5 to 7 November 2026!
The leading European trade fair is supported by numerous national and international partners .
Events and exhibits at denkmal are complemented by the Lehmbau trade fair and MUTEC (5 - 6 November 2026).
2024 denkmal and MUTEC recorded a large number of visitors for the anniversary. To the final press release
Data + Facts about denkmal
- Leading European Trade Fair for Conservation, Restoration and Old Building Renovation
- Exhibitors: Manufacturers of materials and tools (including national and international market leaders), specialised craft businesses, restorers, institutions (associations, societies, foundations)
- Visitors: Specialist authorities/preservationists, specialist and craft businesses, restorers, architects/planners, owners of historic buildings, investors, young professionals, volunteers
- 499 exhibitors from 26 countries & 13,400 visitors (together with MUTEC)
- Ideal sponsors: Verband der Restauratoren (VDR), Vereinigung der Denkmalfachämter in den Ländern (VDL), Dachverband der Restauratoren im Handwerk (DRH), Deutsches Nationalkomitee für Denkmalschutz (DNK)
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