7 - 9 November 2024 denkmal

Multipor ExSal Therm - ecological insulation and durable renovation in one system

3:15 PM - 3:45 PM Fri 08. Nov

Short description

Congress Center Leipzig (CCL), multi-purpose area 4


Multipor ExSal Therm is an innovative renovation and insulation system that has been specially developed for the energy-efficient renovation of masonry exposed to moisture and salt. The system consists of mineral, capillary-active insulation boards that combine effective thermal insulation with a regulating effect on moisture and salts, as well as appropriately designed mortar for bonding and reinforcement.

Multipor insulation boards are permeable and capillary-active, absorb moisture from the masonry and release it into the room. At the same time, they prevent the crystallization of salts on the surface by storing the salts in their porous structure. This prevents efflorescence and plaster damage.

Multipor ExSal Therm is non-combustible and has received numerous ecological awards. It is particularly suitable for historic buildings and properties with moisture problems. The system improves the indoor climate, saves heating costs and helps to preserve the building fabric.


Information about the program

Event Location

Exhibitor meeting point


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